About Us

From the products themselves,.. we want them to be the highest quality possible made in the best factories from the best materials and sourced from the highest quality yarns.
All the way to the packaging that they come in. The ice white box, each piece with its own individual style box. Shopping with CALI is more than just a product its a luxury experience.

Our Why..
Ever since a young age of 11 shopping online on stores such as ASOS just like the majority of people is where we did our shopping. Writing this I remember Buying T-shirts so poor that you'd wash them once and they'd shrink 2 sizes after the first wash!
This is our why. A Rebellion against the fast fashion industry to provide a product that won't only last more than 1 wash but for a lifetime as its been finished and manufactured in the proper way.
Whats Coming...
A very busy year ahead. Some amazing pieces coming soon.